Saturday, October 29, 2011

Canadian Quidditch Cup

The inaugural Canadian Quidditch tournament took place today. (the 29th) McGill dominated with a 6-0 record and Winning by an average margin of about 90 points. Carleton came in second, losing by 80 points to McGill in the final, even though they were playing as the home team.
Here are the standings.
1. McGill, previously ranked #21
2. Carleton
3. Ottawa
4. St. Lawrence, why is an American team playing in the Canadian Cup?
5. Queens
6. McMaster, I expected them to do better given their record of 3-1 this year
7. Ryerson, a World Cup team from 2010 that underperformed
8. Toronto, another World Cup team from 2010 that underperformed

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